Aprilaire 500 Bypass Humidifier manual control with installation kit – For homes up to 3000 Sq Ft


Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Small to medium bypass humidifier is a whole-home solution that helps you achieve total comfort though humidity control. The Model 500 is installed in the HVAC ductwork.

Delivers optimal levels of humidity control with manual humidifier control
Humidifies tightly constructed homes up to 3,000 square foot in size
Performs quietly with simple annual maintenance
Comes equipped with a drain to flush minerals from the unit
Incorporates easy right or left discharge change-over
Has an evaporation capacity of 0.50 gallons per hour

Shipping Details: Free shipping Canada wide on orders over $200, installations available in the GTA and surrounding areas.

Warranty Details

Humidifiers come with 5 years parts and 1 year labor if HVACSHOP installs it.

Warranty Registration:
HVACSHOP registers warranty with manufacturers for all of its customers.

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